Prof. Mauro Venturini — Presentation to TFEK of research at UniFe
23 november, 17:30 – 19:00
Pi-salen, R‑huset, Mälardalens universitet.
Prof. Mauro Venturini and his research group of the University of Ferrara (Ferrara, Italy) has been working since the early ’90s in the field of energy system optimization and gas turbine diagnostics (assessment of current health state). In the last decade, energy system diagnostics has been complemented with system prognostics (estimation of future health state). To provide the last updates in these fields of research, the following topics will be presented and discussed:
- Overview of the research activities at the University of Ferrara (Prof. Mauro Venturini);
- Optimization of multi-generation energy systems (Giulia Castorino);
- Diagnostics of district heating networks (Dr. Lucrezia Manservigi);
- Prognostics of the health state of gas turbines (Dr. Enzo Losi).
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