Tekniska Föreningen med Elektriska Klubben

Prof. Mauro Venturini — Presentation to TFEK of research at UniFe

23 novem­ber, 17:30 – 19:00

Pi-salen, R‑huset, Mälardalens universitet.

Prof. Mau­ro Ven­turi­ni and his research group of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Fer­rara (Fer­rara, Italy) has been work­ing since the ear­ly ’90s in the field of ener­gy sys­tem opti­miza­tion and gas tur­bine diag­nos­tics (assess­ment of cur­rent health state).  In the last decade, ener­gy sys­tem diag­nos­tics has been com­ple­ment­ed with sys­tem prog­nos­tics (esti­ma­tion of future health state). To pro­vide the last updates in these fields of research, the fol­low­ing top­ics will be pre­sent­ed and discussed:

- Overview of the research activ­i­ties at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Fer­rara (Prof. Mau­ro Venturini);

- Opti­miza­tion of mul­ti-gen­er­a­tion ener­gy sys­tems (Giu­lia Castorino);

- Diag­nos­tics of dis­trict heat­ing net­works (Dr. Lucrezia Manservigi);

- Prog­nos­tics of the health state of gas tur­bines (Dr. Enzo Losi).


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